Three reviews of Her Whereabouts
Alice Willitts reviews Her Whereabouts on Dialect, a literary development platform for rural writers that aims to develop talent, connect...
New collection, Her Whereabouts, released April 2023 by Pindrop Press
'Fierce, tender, resilient and frequently dazzling in their control of phrase and image, these are poems of clear-eyed compassion that...
New poems in Channel Magazine, October 2022
I've two new poems in Issue 7 of Channel Magazine, Ireland's leading environmentalist journal. Click here to watch my reading at the...
New poetry collaboration with Tiffany Atkinson, September 2022
As part of JUPE: The Japanese-UK Poetry Exchange, for The Enemies Project, Tiffany Atkinson and I wrote some new poems together, inspired...
New non-fiction writing in Dark Mountain, December 2021
New lyric essay about eco-activism and the Climate and Ecological emergency: Trying Not to Lose It - published by the Dark Mountain...
Upcoming: my next collection
Pindrop Press will be publishing my new collection, Her Whereabouts, in Spring 2023.
Out of Time: Poems for the Climate Emergency, July 2021
I have a poem in the Valley Press Anthology Out of Time: Poems for the Climate Emergency, forthcoming in July 2021.
Upcoming: The Manchester Review
I have three new poems appearing in the issue 25 (Winter 2022) of the Manchester Review which is out now.
Upcoming: Rialto, Spring 2021
I've got two poems in the forthcoming issue of RIALTO magazine, appearing around Spring 2021
The Butchery Live, Summer 2020
Here’s a reading I did as part of The Butchery Live in Summer 2020, alongside my longstanding workshop cohort Esther Morgan, Tiffany...